Ms. Vera Her

Grade 9 Teacher
This school year I will be one of the three Gr. 9 homeroom teachers. This year I will be teaching Math 9, Math 20-2, Bible 9 and Option 9 classes.
I am excited to be part of the grade nine team again with Mr Jonathan McMann (Social), Mrs. Christa Cherkas (Science) and Miss. Stewart (Language Arts). I am energized to start the 2020-2021 school year. I will do my best to provide a safe and caring environment for all your children. I am passionate about teaching the students at CCS to help meet their academic, emotional, social and spiritual needs.
“My deep hope is to know we belong to the Kingdom of God because we were first loved - therefore we can be empowered to grow”
I am looking forward to a productive and hope-filled school year. Feel free to email me at