Palliser Online Learning/Dual Credit/Career Counselor

Off Campus Teacher and Career Counsellor

"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10)  What "good works" are you created to do?  How will you pursue that path after high school?

My name is Charlene Foster.  I am the Off Campus Teacher and Career Counsellor.  My role is to facilitate experiences and provide support and resources for students to make informed, wise plans for their life after high school.  This includes supporting students in Off Campus programs like Work ExperienceGreen CertificateRAP (Registered Apprenticeship Program) and Dual Credit.  It also involves helping students explore career options, select appropriate post-secondary education programs, identify admission requirements, access scholarships and plan for transition.  

I am available to meet with students (and their parents).  Please email me or schedule an appointment at  Note: At this time, because of Covid restrictions, all meetings will be online.

You can also access information and resources relating to Off Campus programs and Career resources at

Keep current by following @palliseroffcampus on Facebook and Instagram.  


Dual Credit @ CCS

What is Dual Credit?  

Dual Credit courses allow students the opportunity to take post-secondary courses while they’re in high school, earning post-secondary and high school credit without paying post-secondary tuition (value up to $1400). 

To access more information including a full list of proposed courses with detailed information sheets as well as application information, go to:


Palliser Beyond Borders

For All Students: At Palliser Beyond Borders we are proud of our students who focus on sharing their understanding of learning concepts with their teachers. When students are engaged in showing their learning, rather than simply saying “I did that assignment,” students understand that formative assessment gives them the opportunity to bump up their level of performance and ultimately, their marks. 


Information about our online learning can be found on the Palliser Beyond Borders site.