To help currently enrolled families continue to provide for their children’s Christian education through CCS, we’ve made a limited amount of funds available for financial assistance during each school year. In this way, we hope to help those families most seriously affected by an unforeseen financial hardship.
In order to better manage the application process and determine how to distribute available funds, we have enlisted an online service called FAST to process applications.
Based on the financial information provided by applicants, FAST will assess the level of need and recommend an amount. In the process, families are asked to suggest an amount of assistance, for instance - enough to make-up for what they feel is beyond their ability to pay.
Any awarded amounts will then be reflected in revised Program Fee Schedule and Commitment Forms returned to families receiving aid. Regardless of award size, families who receive assistance must still be able to pay their portion of their adjusted program fee amounts.
Asking for financial assistance may be difficult for some, yet our faith reminds us that asking for help is a good thing. In all cases, the process and results are confidential. No matter who you are or how long you’ve been attending CCS, if the primary factor limiting your child’s participation in our Christian education program is a financial one, we encourage you to apply.