Mental Health Supports

Counselling Support Team

Family School Liaison Counsellor


Welcome back to another school year! We are honored to be serving this community by helping children and families cope with difficulties they are having in their lives, either at home or at school. Family School Liaison Counsellors (FSLCs) provide counselling support to students and when appropriate, direct families to community Mental Health supports.  Each campus has an FSLC assigned to service students, Kelly Schmaltz provides counselling support for the Secondary campus and Cindy Lerner for the Elementary campus.  


How Services are accessed…

Counselling support is accessed on a referral basis. Teachers, principals, and parents may refer students to whom they have concerns, and parents must give their permission for services to commence.   If you feel your child would benefit from Counselling Support you can reach out to your child’s teacher or contact the Family School Liaison Counsellor directly using the contact information below.  


Read the brochure for more information.


Kelly Schmaltz

Family School Liaison Counsellor (Secondary)
Phone: (403) 771-4350 email: 

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays


 Cindy Lerner

Family School Liaison Counsellor (Elementary)

Phone (403) 863-2346 email: 

Tuesdays and Thursdays

Making Connections Worker

Making Connections Workers promote health and wellness, create space for students to grow in social-emotional skills through small groups and class presentations. In terms of family support, Making Connections Workers provide referrals to external agencies within the community. Our goal is to bridge the gap and improve access for families to services in their communities.

How services are accessed: 

Students may be referred for a small group by teachers, principals and the FSLC. Parental consent must be given prior to students participating in the group facilitated by the Making Connections Worker. Referrals for family support are also made by teachers, principals and the FSLC, however can also be sought out by parents. If you have any questions please feel free to contact : 

Leah Ekubazgi 

Making Connections Worker

(587) 370-1344 email: 

Mondays and Wednesdays (Elementary)

Tuesdays (Secondary)


Student & Family Resources

Teen Health:
Help Phone: 

Anxiety BC:

What to do when you worry too much:

Anxiety Prescription:      

Apps For Anxiety:

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercises - YouTube Video:

Automatic Thoughts - YouTube Wellcast:

Family & Community Resource Centre:

Strengthening peer relationships:

Stigma and Discrimination: 

Study: Impact of unaddressed mental health issues on students is severe:

Dr. Ross Green's Collaborative Problem Solving Approach:

Focus on the Family:

Special Time: A time for connecting with your child:

5 tips for a positive relationship with your teen:

The Well

In the past number of years, there has been much discussion, planning, and dreaming about creating a space for CCS Secondary students to access when they are feeling stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, etc.

Finally, we are pleased to share with you that the WELL is such a space; a room that students can access throughout the day as needed. Within the WELL, students may utilize a variety of calming exercises and activities. Open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, this wonderful resource will be supervised by the FSLC/MCW.

Throughout scripture, the WELL is a significant place that people visited. In John 4, the WELL is the place where Jesus was blessed by the Samaritan woman and where Jesus said, “whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again” In Isaiah 12, we are told that, “with joy, you will draw water from the wells of salvation” In the same way it is our deep hope that students feel the invitation to come to the WELL when they need and feel blessed by it. For more information about the WELL please feel free to contact our Family School Liaison Counsellor Kelly Schmaltz.

Also, we are looking for donations such as Lego, colour card stock or scrapbooking paper, sketchbooks, and art pencils. We are excited to offer this type of support to our school community in support of our mental health initiatives.

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