Drama @ CCS

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Mainstage Production

Drama Program Drama can develop the whole person by giving form and meaning to experience through “acting out”. It fosters positive group interaction as students learn to make accommodations in order to pursue shared goals. The overall goal of drama is to foster a positive self-concept in students by encouraging them to explore life by the assumption of roles and by the acquisition of dramatic skills. At Calgary Christian School drama also contributes to deepening our relationship with God as we experience personal and relational growth as part of his transforming work in our lives.


Art @ CCS

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Through art education, a deeper understanding of God develops. Students are encouraged to study the details of life; to see lines and texture and the color and shape in the elements of life that surround them. They begin to recognize how small parts belong to a whole and that all parts matter. They see that God was immeasurably creative when designing this universe, and that they in turn are blessed with that creativity. Art helps to give voice to students, allowing for personal self-expression. Through the art program, from grade 7- 12, students are called to be beauty creators, and reflect God through their artistic gifts.