CCS Secondary Campus

Secondary Campus


Middle School

Students at the Grade 7-9 level at CCS learn in a student-driven environment. This means that the timing and structure of courses are such that they are tailored to the learning needs of this age group. Our teachers focus on differentiated instruction and assessment to ensure that all students have the opportunity to excel. They also build upon deepening and broadening relationships which are vital to these students.

The students are challenged and guided to explore their gifts and their experiences in God's world. A variety of courses such as art, shop and home economics are offered and round out the core subjects of Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Music and French/Spanish.

High School

Students in High School at CCS are encouraged to challenge themselves in their course selection. Both applied and pure streams of core subjects are available. Our counselors work individually with our students to ensure that they will be prepared for their post-secondary pursuits. High School students need a disciplined approach to their studies and intentional guidance along this route of independence.

Students have many opportunities to continue to explore their individual talents and interests while completing their academic requirements. There are a wide variety of optional courses available, as well as many extra-curricular activities including sports, music and drama. Students at this level are also challenged to explore their faith in deeper ways with courses such as Religious Ethics and in Service Learning opportunities. We challenge them to articulate their faith and how they can live as citizens of God's kingdom with the completion of a Senior Project, a requirement for graduation.