Mrs. Christina O'Brien

Div II Music Teacher
This is my third year at CCS but I've been teaching music in the classroom since 2009. The thing I love about music is how we can use it as an outlet for many things such as worshipping God, channelling our thoughts or expressing our emotions. God has given me the desire to be a "community builder" through music. It has been such a powerful and important part of my life at church, in the classroom and inside my home. My deep hope in the music room is that my students will experience genuine community as they grow and learn in harmony, while finding connections to all that God has created.
The main instruments that I like to play are the ukulele and the piano. I also enjoy composing and arranging. When I'm not at school I'm often writing new materials for the "Ukulele for Children" series of books that I wrote and published. During the summer months I like to spend time in my garden and at the beach. On any given day I enjoy running or biking, a strong latte, and playing outside with my two kids and husband.
I'm looking forward to all the joy and community building that we will experience through music classes this year!
I'm looking forward to all the joy that we will experience through music classes this year!
Mrs. O'Brien