Mrs. Rachel Jesse

Bible 6 + ES Chapel Lead
In Luke 5:5 the disciples had been fishing all night long with no success. Tired, they are ready to call it quits. Then Jesus, a carpenter by trade and definitely not an experienced fisherman shows up and says “just push out further and let your nets down again”. Simon Peter replies “we worked hard all night long and caught nothing. But if you say so, I will let down the nets.” In short I said “yes” to CCS because Jesus said so.
I am an Ordained Minister with the Canadian Church of God and I am currently entering my 20th year of ministry at Glamorgan Church where I serve as the Associate Pastor overseeing Youth and Children’s Ministry and Community Outreach. Serving kids and families is what God called me to and when I received the call in June of 2022 to help with chapels at CCSE in Mrs. Ertmer’s absence I said “Yes, because Jesus said so”. I continue to serve full-time at Glamorgan Church who contracts me to CCS.
What are some other reasons I said “Yes” to CCS? There are many reasons, but today these three come to the forefront:
First – CCS supports spiritual diversity. I have a diverse ecumenical background including; the Roman Catholic church, PAOC, Baptist, Missionary Alliance, Mennonite, Evangelical Missionary Church, two non-denominational affiliated churches and the Church of God Anderson. In each and every one of these churches I experienced the power of the living Christ. I said “Yes” to CCS because I appreciate and support the spiritual diversity of the CCS faith community.
Second – CCS supports being real. I am who I am, what you see is what you get. I am neither fancy, eloquent, hip nor trendy, but I love Jesus and kids. I speak from the heart and will be transparent (age appropriate) about faith struggles and challenges. It isn’t always easy living as a follower of Jesus, but it is always worth it. I said “Yes” to CCS because this community truly accepts people for who they are and supports them in developing and discovering their identity as a child of God.
Third – CCS Christian education. My son joined CCS in Grade 4, and just graduated as part of the 2023 graduating class. I am grateful for the CCS community in partnering with us to help shape my son into the Christian man he is becoming. You have made the choice to entrust us with your child(ren) and we will be faithful with that gift. I said “Yes” to CCS because I believe in Christian Education.
It is my deep hope that God will use me so that kids will discover and experience the joy, wonder and adventure of being a disciple of Jesus. I look forward to the 2023-2024 school year and am excited to see what God does in all our lives.