Mrs. Caroline Schollaardt
You Called Me Out Upon the Water
My teaching journey completed a full circle in 2019 when I rejoined the CCES staff. I graduated from Calgary Christian High School and began my teaching career as a grade one teacher here. Upon the arrival of the first of our three daughters, I made the transition to teaching at home which continued for ten years. Those ten years of learning and growing alongside our daughters hold treasured memories that I thank God for daily. I returned to teaching outside my home 14 years ago. Since then, God has led me to a variety of schools and grade levels that have included classroom, online and outreach environments. It is through these diverse experiences that I have learned that when we step out into deep water, He will guide us and we can rest in his embrace. My prayer for students and their families this year is that we will trust that His sovereign hand will guide us as we journey together along the path of righteousness.